Spring Final: Timeline Project (Day 3)

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ Awwwwww!

EQ: What did we study this semester?

Essential Skills: Identify significant events and people and analyze their impact of past events on today’s world.

I can: define and describe vocabulary terms across multiple time periods.

Agenda Project Set Up

We’ve studied a wide range of topics this school year! As we close out this semester, we are going to create a project that not only reviews some of the people and events we covered, but also invites you to consider how past events have shaped our world.

This project will largely be completed during class time and if you follow the daily checklist, you’ll get done with your project with time to spare!

Spring Final Exam Project

Today’s Checklist:

Go to Google Classroom and open up the slide presentation for World History Final Project. This is where you will find all the directions for the project!

Review your notes/assignments and/or the class website.

Complete the WWII section of your Timeline.

You’ll be doing a little writing and some drawing, too! Make your timeline awesome!

What To Do Tonight:

Finish today’s sections!

Spring Final: Timeline Project (Day 2)

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ Almost there … keep going!

EQ: What did we study this semester?

Essential Skills: Identify significant events and people and analyze their impact of past events on today’s world.

I can: define and describe vocabulary terms across multiple time periods.

Agenda Project Set Up

We’ve studied a wide range of topics this school year! As we close out this semester, we are going to create a project that not only reviews some of the people and events we covered, but also invites you to consider how past events have shaped our world.

This project will largely be completed during class time and if you follow the daily checklist, you’ll get done with your project with time to spare!

Spring Final Exam Project

Today’s Checklist:

Go to Google Classroom and open up the slide presentation for World History Final Project. This is where you will find all the directions for the project!

Review your notes/assignments and/or the class website.

Complete the WWI and Post WWI sections of your Timeline.

You’ll be doing a little writing and some drawing, too! Make your timeline awesome!

What To Do Tonight:

Finish today’s sections!

Spring Final: Timeline Project

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ Relax! You got this!

EQ: What did we study this semester?

Essential Skills: Identify significant events and people and analyze their impact of past events on today’s world.

I can: define and describe vocabulary terms across multiple time periods.

Agenda Project Set Up

We’ve studied a wide range of topics this school year! As we close out this semester, we are going to create a project that not only reviews some of the people and events we covered, but also invites you to consider how past events have shaped our world.

This project will largely be completed during class time and if you follow the daily checklist, you’ll get done with your project with time to spare!

Spring Final Project

Today’s Checklist:

Go to Google Classroom and open up the slide presentation for World History Final Project. This is where you will find all the directions for the project!

Review your notes/assignments and/or the class website.

Complete the Nationalism and Imperialism sections of your Timeline.

This project is all about describing the concept of history and taking into account all the topics we studied this semester.

You’ll be doing a little writing and some drawing, too! Make your timeline awesome!

What To Do Tonight:

Finish today’s sections!

Catch Up & Lennon Wall

What We Did Today


Hee! Hee!

EQ: If you were standing in front of the real Lennon Wall how would you sign it? What is your legacy?

Essential Skills: Reflect on how past historical events continue to influence and shape modern society.

I can: Express my ideas and send a positive message.

Agenda: The Lennon Wall

After you’ve completed any and all missing work, you can create your piece for the Lennon Wall!

Grab a piece of drawing paper and create a piece of artwork for our Lennon Wall. See below for ideas and guidelines:

The Lennon started out as a place of protest against the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia. Without freedom of speech, people used the wall to voice their opposition to the government but also to express their desire for basic freedoms and rights. Today, it stands as a tribute to John Lennon (of Beatles fame) and for global hope of a better future.

I visited and signed the wall in 2008…


The Lennon Wall is constantly changing as new layers of paint and art are added each year by thousands of people from around the world.  Today’s wall looks totally different from when I saw it!

Just like the real wall, our wall will change. Last year’s pieces will come down as this year’s pieces go up. Keep an eye on the wall as it changes to represent you and your class. 🙂

What To Do Tonight:

Work on your Lennon Wall piece. I will accept them through the last day of school.

Mao’s China & Beyond

What We Did Today


Panda Snow Angel!

EQ: What does communism look like in China today?

Essential Skills: Create and explain the spread of Communism (e.g. Mao and the Chinese Cultural Revolution). (DOK 2)

I can: Compare and Contrast communism in China before and after Mao Zedong.

Bell Work: How would you describe the relationship between China and the U.S.?

Agenda: Notes and Assignment Set-Up

We finished up Mao’s China Squares and then added a few details to the back from the powerpoint below:

The communist system remains in place in China today, but it has changed considerably since Mao Zedong died. Today we are going to take a look at modern China, while considering how elements of capitalism have been adopted into China’s version of communism.

Add On Notes: On the back of your squares, we are going to add a few vocabulary terms from these slides.

What To Do Tonight: 

Finish up today’s assignment. 🙂

Mao’s China

What We Did Today


Can you see me?

EQ: How does communism work in China?

Essential Skills: Create and explain the spread of Communism (e.g. Mao and the Chinese Cultural Revolution). (DOK 2)

I can: Explain how Mao’s brand of Communism changed China.

Bell Work: What do you know about China?

Agenda: Notes and Assignment

We finished up the map we started on Friday and added a couple of vocabulary terms from the powerpoint on Friday’s website post.

Then, we headed over to China! We’ve talked a lot about communism and the Soviet Union, but communism did indeed spread to other regions, including China. After a long civil war, the communist party, headed by Mao Zedong, achieved victory and established a version of the communist system in China. Let’s see how it played out …

On the next clean page in your notebook, complete the assignment below using the powerpoint as a resource:

Assignment: Mao’s China

Mao's China Act

What To Do Tonight:

Finish Mao’s China. 🙂

Mapping the Cold War

What We Did Today


It’s a little nippy outside!

EQ/Bell Work: What events intensified the Cold War?

Essential Skills: Locate and identify key locations on a map and apply historical context.

I can: Create a map that tells the story of the beginning of the Cold War.

Assignment: Mapping the Cold War

Today we are going create a map to help us visualize what the beginning of the Cold War looked like and how it played out geographically. See me for a handout or print one out!

Follow the directions on the scans below. Be sure to read each section completely and go in order. If you don’t read and skip over things, your map is going to look weird!

Please use color for Direction #7 b and d

When you get done, you will be turning in a hard copy of your map!

Cold War Map Pkt1
Cold War Map Pkt2
Cold War Map Pkt3

Quick Little Notes: On the back of your map, jot down the notes from the powerpoint below.

Maps will be turned in separately from your Interactive Notebook. Save a spot to attach them later. 🙂

What To Do Tonight:

A Quick Recap ….. and ARMS!

Need some extra credit? Watch the video below and record 10 facts  that focus on why tensions got higher between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Put them on the back of your map.

Cold War Arms Race

What We Did Today

EQ: How do countries fight without actually fighting?

Objective: Examine the causes and effects of poltical tensions between the Soviet Union and the U.S.

I can define and summarize vocabulary terms.

Bell Work: What stops a Cold War from becoming a hot war?

Agenda: Cold War Mural

On the next clean page in your notebook, complete the assignment below using the provided powerpoint.

What To Do Tonight: 

Finish the Arms Race Mural. 🙂

Catch up on any missing notes or assignments! 🙂

Cold War Origins

What We Did Today


Is it getting cold in here?

EQ: What is a “cold war”?

Essential Skills: Determine the causes of conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union following WWII.

I can: Define terms associated with the Cold War.

Bell Work: How do you fight a war without actual physical fighting?

Agenda: Notes and Assigment Set Up

The last unit of the year has arrived! The Cold War is a period of global tensions following WWII. Today we are going to find out why the U.S. and Soviet Union find themsleves in direct conflict despite being allies during the war.

On the next clean page in your notebook, take Cornell Notes from the powerpoint below:

  • Title your notes
  • Underline or highlight important terms
  • Complete left column and summary sections

Assignment: Cold War Boxing Gloves (or Mittens 🙂 )

Complete the assignment below on a piece of paper using your notes as a resource. Snap a photo of your work and attach it to the assigment in Google Classroom. Make sure your photo is clear so I can read you what you write!

Video: The Cold War in 9 Minutes

If you are having trouble finding bullet points for your Boxing Gloves, watch the video below for more information. Record 5 additional facts on the back of your Boxing Gloves.

What to Do Tonight:

Finish up Cold War Boxing Gloves. 🙂


What We Did Today:

Hello! 👋


Log in to Google Classroom to access the Google Form titled, WWII Test. Please note the test will not show up until your class period meets.

If you were absent for the test, you will automatically be signed up on Thursday’s Flex to take your test. Do NOT take the test at home or another class – your score will be disqualified.

Turn in your review list!

What To Do Tonight:

Check your grade on Infinite Campus. If your grade is in a scary place, reach out and talk to me. We might be able to work out a pathway to pass!