WWI: Peace At Last

What We Did Today

Hello! πŸ‘‹

^^^ πŸ₯°

Objective: Hypothesize a possible treaty to end WWI.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Google Meet: Assignment Set Up

Today we are going to brainstorm some ways to put an end to WWI and prevent another world war from breaking out. We are going to get some help from a primary source document, which will give us a place to start.

Assignment: WWI Peace Treaty

Log in to Google Classroom to complete the assignment below. Be sure to read all directions! The resource link to complete this assignment is also embedded in the document. You may work with a partner if you would like to, but both of you must turn in your own assignment.

You have today to finish this assignment. ⏰


Resource Link: Fourteen Points

What To Do Tonight

Finish up today’s assignment.

WWI: U.S. Entry

What We Did Today

Hello! πŸ‘‹


Objective: Determine the reasons why the U.S. entered WWI.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Google Meet: Cornell Notes

Today we are going to figure out how the U.S. finally got pulled into a war it was desperately trying to avoid.

Cornell Notes: Open your Interactive Notebook to a new page and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below. Be sure to complete left column and summary sections.

More on U.S. Entry:

Add 5 more “meaty” facts to your notes.

What To Do Tonight

Catch up on missing notes and assignments. πŸ™‚

WWI: Battle Tactics (cont’d)

What We Did Today

Hello! πŸ‘‹


Objective: Summarize and describe the strategy and elements of trench warfare in WWI.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Google Meet: Assignment Set Up

Today, we are finishing up what we started yesterday …

After getting all the details on the major battles of WWI, today we are going to focus on what it’s actually like to fight those battles. Trench warfare is considered one of the more brutal forms of warfare and we’re going to find out why.

Assignment: WWI Trench Warfare Diagram

Log in to Google Classroom to Β complete the assignment below using the reading scan as a resource. Full directions are in the assignment document. Please read them!

You will have today to finish up this assignment. ⏰

Reading Resource:

Trench Diagram Rdg1 Trench Diagram Rdg2 Trench Diagram Rdg3

Trench Diagram Rdg5

Trench Diagram Rdg4

Trench Diagram Rdg6

What To Do Tonight

Finish up today’s assignment! πŸ‘



WWII: Battle Tactics

What We Did Today

Hello! πŸ‘‹

^^^ I feel called out!

Objective: Summarize and describe the strategy and elements of trench warfare in WWI.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Google Meet: Assignment Set Up

After getting all the details on the major battles of WWI, today we are going to focus on what it’s actually like to fight those battles. Trench warfare is considered one of the more brutal forms of warfare and we’re going to find out why.

Add on Definitions:

On your WWI Battles assignment, add the vocabulary terms and definitions in this teeny tiny powerpoint:

Assignment: WWI Trench Warfare Diagram

Log in to Google Classroom to Β complete the assignment below using the reading scan as a resource. Full directions are in the assignment document. Please read them!

You will have today and tomorrow to work on this assignment. ⏰

Reading Resource:

Trench Diagram Rdg1 Trench Diagram Rdg2 Trench Diagram Rdg3

Trench Diagram Rdg5

Trench Diagram Rdg4

Trench Diagram Rdg6

What To Do Tonight

Work on your Trench Warfare Diagram if you feel behind. You will have a little class time tomorrow as well. πŸ™‚



WWI: Battles

What We Did Today

Hello! πŸ‘‹

^^^ I love a good pun!

Objective: Summarize what happened during some of the major battles of WWI.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Google Meet: Assignment Set Up

We know why the war started and we have the battlefield, so it’s time for the battle to begin. Today we are going to dig up some details on some of the main battles of WWI.

Assignment: WWI Battles Scavenger Hunt

Log in to Google Classroom to complete the assignment below using the online textbook, the provided resource powerpoint or online sources. Just remember to stay in context. All information should fall within the years of 1914-1918.

You have today to finish this assignment. ⏰

Resource Powerpoint:

Battle Geography:

What To Do Tonight

Finish up Battles! πŸ™‚

WWI: Prepping the Battlefield

What We Did Today:

Hello! πŸ‘‹

^^^So close. πŸ˜‚

Objective: Identify and describe the geographic and conceptual elements of the WWI battlefield.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Google Meet:

We started by answering the summary question at the bottom of the WWI Causes assignment.

Today we are going to set up the battlefield. This can get tricky because it’s not just about geography. It’s about strategy, technology, and people.

Let’s Review:

Watch the video below if you need a refresher and consider your notes and reading. Then answer the summary question at the bottom of your WWI Causes assignment.

Now let’s think a little further …

  • Why is Archduke Ferdinand the Spark that set off WWI?

Quickie Notes:Β Open your notebook or a google doc to take Cornell Notes from the itty bitty powerpoint below. Be sure to complete all sections.

Here’s how it looks on a map. Isn’t my coloring lovely?

WWI Map Alliances Key


What To Do Tonight:

Finish up any missing notes or assignments. πŸ™‚

WWI: Causes (cont’d)

What We Did Today

Hello! πŸ‘‹

^^^ πŸ˜‚

Objective: Determine the main causes of WWI.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Google Meet: Assignment Set Up

Today we are going to continue to dig deeper into the main causes of WWI. We took some notes covering the basics, so now it’s time to get some specific details and the big picture story of what’s going on prior to Β war breaking out.

Assignment: Outbreak of WWI Reading

Log in to Google Classroom to complete the assignment below. You will find the scanned readings attached to the assignment.

You have today to finish up this assignment. ⏰

WWI Causes Rdg1WWI Causes Rdg2


What To Do Tonight:

Finish up today’s assignment. πŸ™‚


WWI: Causes (cont’d)

What We Did Today

Hello! πŸ‘‹

^^^Confidence is everything!

Objective: Determine the main causes of WWI.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Google Meet: Assignment Set Up

Today we are going to dig deeper into the main causes of WWI. We took some notes covering the basics, so now it’s time to get some specific details and the big picture story of what’s going prior to Β war breaking out.

Assignment: Outbreak of WWI Reading

Log in to Google Classroom to complete the assignment below. You will find the scanned readings attached to the assignment.

We will work on this assignment today and tomorrow. ⏰

Helpful Hints:

Nationalism: Look for anything about countries trying to gain power or group of people being super patriotic

Alliances: Look for countries trying to make friends or partnerships.

Militarism: Look for anything to do with the military – troops, vehicles, equipment, mobilization, aggression, etc.

European Rivalries: Look for anything to do with countries not getting along.

WWI Causes Rdg1WWI Causes Rdg2

What To Do Tonight:

Try to get at least half of this assignment done. πŸ™‚


WWI: Causes

What We Did Today

Hello! πŸ‘‹

^^^Yep. Been there!

Objective: Determine the main causes of WWI.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Google Meet: Notes

Today we are going explore the main reasons why a global scale conflict begins. Instead of one big reason, there are a lot of little things that contribute to setting off a simmering powder keg.

Cornell Notes: Open your notebook or a google doc and set it up for Cornell Notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below. Be sure to complete all sections.

What To Do Tonight:

Finish up the left column and summary sections of your notes. πŸ‘

WWI Geography

What We Did Today

Hello! πŸ‘‹

^^^The situation is worse with “Pandemic Hair.”

Objective: Determine the major players and alliance systems of World War I utilizing a map.

EQ: What caused WWI?

Google Meet: Assignment Set Up

Today we are going to let a map tell us a story about who got involved in WWI and perhaps begin to figure out why the war began in the first place. We’re at least going to get our first clue.

Assignment: WWI Map Study

Log in to Google Classroom to compete the assignment below. Everything you need is included in the document.

You have today to work on this assignment. ⏰

What To Do Tonight

Finish up today’s assignment. πŸ‘