Halloween Spooktacular Make-Up-O-Rama!!

What We Did Today



In Class/Google Meet:

We had a spoooky bit of fun watched a “scary” movie while making up any missing work and possibly earning some extra credit.

First priority is on missing assignment and notes. Check Google Classroom and Infinite Campus to see what you are missing. The deadline for the Age of Absolutism unit is fast approaching! Get it done and hit the submit button!

If all of your work is done (YAY!), you might want to dig into the extra credit opportunities that are available.

 Here are some Halloween themed doses of extra credit.

Option 1: 

Choose three Halloween traditions (ex. wearing costumes, etc). For each tradition, check out the article,  History of Halloween to find out how the tradition got started. Summarize where the tradition began and how it changed over time. Write your list and historical connections on the doc provided on Google Classroom.

Option 2:

If you are in class, we are watching one of my faovrite shows for a little historical spookiness.

Sleepy Hollow – Episode 1

  • Create a list of 10 historical references made throughout the show. Your list can include references from Ichabod Crane as he talks about his past or they can reference differences between Crane’s time period and our own. Write your list on the doc provided on Google Classroom.
  • The show streams on Hulu, so you can watch at home if you are attending class online. 🙂

What To Do Tonight

Trick or Treat (safely) or watch a scary movie, of course! 🙂

Absolutism in Russia

What We Did Today


^^^Snuggles and cuddles.

Objective: Identify and describe key terms and people relevant to absolutism in Russia.

EQ: What is absolutism?

In Class/Google Meet: Notes and Assignment Set Up

Cornell Notes: Open your Interactive Notebook to a new page and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

Assignment: Peter the Great’s Bright Idea

Log in to Google Classroom and complete the assignment below using your notes and text (Glencoe World History, pg. 445-447, see scans) as resources.

Special Note: For the 5 interesting facts about Peter the Great as a person, look in the “People in History” box on pg. 447.

You have today to work on this assignment. ⏰

Abs Russia Light Bulb Act


What To Do Tonight

Catch up on missing work and assignments. 🙂


Absolutism in France

What We Did Today


^^^There’s two … no need to fight!

Objective: Identify the characteristics of absolutism in France.

Discuss: What is absolute power?

In Class/Google Meet:

First, we finished up Absolutism in England, Part 2, by completing an extended summary of how England shifted from an absolute monarchy to a consitutional monarchy. Scroll down to yesterday’s post for directions on how to write the summary.

Then, we hit the submit button!

Next, we went to France to see what absolute leaders are up to there. The French monarchs are among the most well-known of the absolute monarchs because they excelled at flexing that royal muscle and maintaining solid control.

Cornell Notes:

Grab a piece of paper or your notebook to a new page and take notes from the powerpoint below. Be sure to complete left-column and summary sections.

Palace of Versailles: Symbol of Power

Virtual Field Trip: Watch the video below and add three details in your notes of how the palace is a symbol of Louis XIV’s power.


What To Do Tonight

Finish up the notes! 🙂

Absolutism in England, Part 2

What We Did Today


^^^Well, that’s a tough little guy!

Objective: Determine the course of events that lead to a consitutional monarch in England.

EQ: What is absolute power?

In Class/Google Meet:

We are staying in England to explore how the monarchy shifted from an absolute state to a consitutional monarchy.

Assignment: Absolutism in England One-Pager

Log in to Google Classroom complete the assignment below using your notes, online resources or text (World History: Patterns of Interaction pg. 615-617).

Option 1: Complete this assignment on your own piece of paper. Sketch out the graphic organizer and respond to the prompts by handwriting your answers.

Option 2: Complete this assignment on the Google Doc provided on Google Classroom.

You have today to work on this assignment. ⏰

Absolutism in England II Act

On the back or on the bottom: Write a 5 sentence summary that tells the story of how England shifted from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy.

Resource Powerpoint: You may also use this powerpoint as a resource to complete your one-pager:


What To Do Tonight:

Finish your one-pager!

Absolutism in England, Part 1

What We Did Today


^^^ Going for a ride!

Objective: Identify and compare absolute leaders in England.

EQ: What is absolute power?

In Class/Google Meet: Assignment Set Up

Today we took a closer look at what absolutism looked like in England. It varied a lot from one monarch to the next, each flexing that royal muscle and hitting obstacles along the way.

Assignment: Absolute Power in England

Log in to Google Classroom and complete the assignment below using the scanned reading resource.

You have today to work on this assignment. ⏰

Abs in England I Rdg1Abs in England I Rdg2



What To Do Tonight

Catch up on missing notes and assignments.


Absolutism in Spain

What We Did Today


^^^Hit and run!

Objective: Identify the characteristics of absolutism in Spain.

EQ: What does it mean to be an absolute monarch?

In Class/Google Meet: Cornell Notes & Video

Open to a new page in your notebook or grab a piece of paper and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below. Be sure to complete left-column and summary sections.

Video: Spanish Armada (Food Fight!)

Watch the video below:

  • Add three new facts to your note
  • Summarize the story of the Spanish Armada in your notes with a minimum of three sentences (be sure to explain what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story).



What To Do Tonight:

Finish up Spanish Armada video assignment.


Introduction to Absolutism

What We Did Today



Objective: Reading comprehension of a secondary source to define the concept of absolutism.

EQ: What is absolutism?

In Class/Google Meet: Assignment Set Up

We are moving into a new unit! Today we are going to figure out what the term “absolutism” means so it makes sense throughout the unit.

Assignment: Age of Absolutism Reading

Log in to Google Classroom and complete the following series of reading questions using the scanned reading below. Hit the submit button when you’re done!

If you prefer to hand write your assignment, you may attach a photo of your work to the assignment on Google Classroom.

You will have today to work on this assignment. ⏰

Absolutism Intro Rdg


What To Do Tonight:

Finish up Age of Absolutism questions! 🙂

Age of Exploration Quiz

What We Did Today



^^^ Yep. We have a quiz.

In/ClassGoogle Meet: Quiz Set Up

We went over how to access the test on Google Classroom.

The quiz must be completed by the end of the day.

You may use notes and assignments.


The test is loaded as a Google Doc on Google Classroom. You will see it in your stream! Just a heads up, you won’t see it until your class period officially begins.

* * *

What To Do Tonight


Voyages of Zheng He

What We Did Today


^^^So cute!

Objective:  Reading Comprehension of a secondary source.

EQ: Besides the Europeans, who else was exploring the seas?

In Class/Google Meet: Assignment Set up

Today we are going to China to see what they’re up to in terms of exploring and setting up trade networks throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Assignment: Voyages of Zheng He

Log in to Google Classroom and complete the assignment below using text (World History:Change and Continuity pg. 350-351 – see scan below). You have two options to complete this assignment:

Option 1: Grab a piece of paper and some markers! Draw a cool boat and fill in all the prompts from the scan below. You can make any style boat (have fun and be creative!) as long as all the information is included. Take clear photos of your work and attach it to the assignment in Google Classroom

Option 2: Respond to the prompts using the Google Slides presentation template on Google Classroom. You can add as many slides as you want and decorate them with backgrounds and images.

You have today to work on today’s assignment. Click submit when done! ⏰

Voyages of Zheng He Act

Reading Resource:



Recap & Review:

Watch the video below and record 5 facts about voyages of exploration from China. You also have a quiz tomorrow, so pay attention to the stuff about European explorers, too!

* * *

What To Do Tonight: 

Finish your Zheng He Boat! Make it awesome!

Maya & Aztec Civilizations (cont’d)

What We Did Today


^^^Is this like a mic drop?

Objective: Compare and contrast two different civilizations.

EQ: What native cultures inhabited the New World?

In Class/Google Meet: Assignment Intro

Today we are going to continue to take a closer look at two of the native civilizations that inhabited the New World. The Maya and the Aztec are pretty well-known, but they are very often thought to be very similar when in fact that are quite different from one another.

Assignment: Maya and Aztec Villages

Log in to Google Classroom to complete the assignment below. The layout  below is general concept so please be sure to read the full directions.

You will be completing one Maya Village and one Aztec Village. They are separate, so you will have two villages total!

Each village will include all the requirements on the scan below or as outlined on the doc in google classroom.

Use the provided reading scan as a resource. You may also use credible online sources. Just be careful – there’s a lot out there and it can be tough to sort through it all.

You will have today to finish up this assignment. ⏰

Assignment Layout:

Maya Aztec Village Act

Resource Reading (click to magnify):

Maya Aztec wksht1


What To Do Tonight

Finish up the Aztec half of today’s assignment and hit the submit button.