Postwar Nationalism (cont’d)

What We Did Today


^^^ Hang in there!

Objective: Summarize the events of global postwar nationalism.

Bell Work / EQ: How did nationalism spread globally after WWI?

I can summarize information from a secondary source.

Agenda: Intro and Assignment Set Up

Today we are going to continue a small project that will explore how nationalism swept the globe during the postwar era. We are going to focus on 6 regions where nationalism occurred, each with its own unique story.

Assignment: Nationalism News

In groups of up to three people, complete the assignment below. The goal is to create a newspaper that “reports” on events tied to nationalism in multiple regions.

Use the online textbook to complete the asssignment. The page numbers for each region are in the squares.

You can work in groups of up to 3. You will construct a single newspaper for the group. Each person must put their name on what they did. No name = no credit.

Newspaper must be handwritten and created as a hard copy.

Today, we are going to focus on the Day 2 section of the asisgnment: Turkey, Perisa/Saudi Arabia, and Latin America. ⏰

What To Do Tonight

Finish up today’s sections of Nationalism News!

Postwar Nationalism

What We Did Today


^^^ Yep.

Objective: Summarize the events of global postwar nationalism.

EQ: How did nationalism spread globally after WWI?

Bell Work: What is nationalism? (we’ve talked about it before!)

Agenda: Intro and Assignment Set Up

Today we are going to start a small project that will explore how nationalism swept the globe during the postwar era. We are going to focus on 6 regions where nationalism occurred, each with its own unique story.

Assignment: Nationalism News

To complete the assignment below, you may work in groups of up to three people if you would like to. The goal is to create a newspaper that “reports” on events tied to nationalism in multiple regions.

Use the online textbook or research online to complete the asssignment. The page numbers for each topic are in the squares.

You may work in groups of up to 3 people. You will work together to construct a single newspaper. Each person must put their name on what they completed. No name = no credit.

Today, we are going to focus on the Day 1 section of the asisgnment: Ireland, India, and China. ⏰

What To Do Tonight

Finish up today’s sections of Nationalism News!

Postwar Roundup

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ Smile!

Objective: Summarize the poltitical and social atmosphere of the postwar era.

I can summarize and analyze the characteristics of the post war era as a whole.

Bell Work & EQ: What causes change?

Agenda: Postwar Round-Up Squares

Today we are going think about all the different political, social, and econmic elements that shaped the postwar era and played a role in how people lived following WWI. Find all of your Postwar Era assignments. You’re going to need them!

Notebook: Add, “Postwar Roud-Up Squares” to the unit page.

On the next clean page in your notebook, complete the assignment below. Use your Postwar Era assignments as resources!

You have today to work on this assignment. ⏰

What To Do Tonight

Finish up today’s assignment.

Postwar Catch Up!

What We Did Today

Hi! 🙂

^^^If he fits, he sits!

Objective: Catch up on missing work!

Agenda: Get to work!

Bell Work: What’s your favorite thing about the postwar era?

Let’s take today to get caught up and catch up missing assignments from this unit!

Check your grades to see what you might be missing. If you owe me work, get it done and turn it in!

If you are all caught up, work on something from another class.

What To Do Tonight

Make sure your work for the Postwar unit is compete!

Postwar Art & Literature

What We Did Today:

^^^Cutie pie!

EQ: What are artists and writers creating during the postwar era?

Objective: Determine the impact cutlural change has on the arts.

I can recongize artistic trends of the 1920s and 1930s.

Bell Work: What is your favorite kind of art or book?

Quick Vocabulary: On the flip side of your Postwar Boardwalk, jot down the definitions for Expressionism, Dada, and Surrealism. Then, take a look at exmaples for each one in the powerpoint.

Assignment: Postwar Boardwalk

On the back of yesterday’s storefronts, complete the assignment below using the provided reading, your notes, and/or online sources.

Postwar Boardwalk Act2

Here’s an idea of what your boardwalk might look like:

Put this assignment on the back of the previous storefronts or on new page.

* * *

What To Do Tonight:

Finish the Art Gallery and Bookstore storefronts! 🙂

Postwar: Fashion & Entertainment

What We Did Today

^^^ Fashion Pup!

EQ/Bell Work: How does fashion and entertainment reflect cultural attitudes?

Objective: Analyze how political and economic upheaval impacts cultural developments.

I can describe social changes in the postwar era.

Assignment: Postwar Storefronts

On a separate piece of paper complete the assignment below using resources below.

Postwar Boardwalk Act1

Resource: Use the images in the powerpoint to gather visual information about fashion trends before and after WWI.

Use this reading to find information to create the Entertainment Hall.


Here’s an idea of what your Boardwalk might look like:

Add this assignment to Post WWI Table of Contents

* * *

What To Do Tonight: 

Finish the Fashion Boutique and Entertainment Hall! 🙂

The Great Depression

What We Did Today

^^^Why is it still so cold!!

EQ: What causes economic depression?

Objective: Analyze the causes and effects of the Great Depression

I can determine how governments tried to respond to economic depression.

Bell Work: What makes money valuable?

Agenda: Assignment and Video

First, we finished up the Russian Revolution by working on sentence summaries for each section and a full summary. The handout was then turned in to me.

Assignment: The Great Depression

Open your notebook to a new page and complete the assignment below using text (Glencoe World History, pg. 754) or online sources.

Great Depression Act1

Reading Resource:

Think About It:

How do you think the Great Depression will impact the average person?

How do you think the average person will respond to economic hardship?

Crash Course! 

Watch the video and add 5 new facts to your assignment. Make them “meaty!” 🙂

(pssst …. I know it’s a U.S. History video, but it’s still good!!)

* * *

What To Do Tonight:

Catch up on notes and missing assignments.

Russian Revolution

What We Did Today


^^^ I miss Grumpy Cat.

Objective: Summarize the main events of the Russian Revolution via secondary source reading.

EQ: Why does government change?

Bell Work: What was the biggest mistake made after WWI? (look at the chart you made yesterday!)

Agenda:  Assignment Set Up

Today we are going to take a look at an event that was happening before, during, and after WWI. Over in Russia, they are having a major revolution that is going to create yet another shift in the government. Instead of a monarchy, the Russians are going to try something entirly new: communism.

Assignment: Russian Revolution Outline

See me for a handout (or write it out on your own paper) to complete the assignment below using the provided reading scans. This is a guided reading acitivity, so using outside sources will not work!

You will have today to work on this assignment. ⏰

Reading Scans:

What To Do Tonight

Catch up on missing notes and assignments. 🙂

Europe After WWI

What We Did Today



Obejctive: Define vocabulary and examine the causes and effects of an economic depression.

EQ: What causes economic depression?

I can determine cause and effect.

Agenda: Notes

Bell Work: Why was Germany upset after the Treaty of Versailles?

Today we are going to get a sense of the political, social, and economic atmostphere of Europe follwoing WWI. Hint: It’s not that great.

Cornell Notes: Open your notebook to a new page and take notes from the powerpoint below.

Assignment: Why did it fail?

Complete assignment on your own paper.

What To Do Tonight

Catch up on today’s notes and assignments. 🙂

WWI: Test

What We Did Today


^^^Yup. We did.

Agenda: Test Time

If you were absent for the test, please sign up for Flex to make up the test.

Reminder: Turn in the review list!

What To Do Tonight

Take a deep breath!