Spring Final Exam

What We did Today: 

Final Exams

The big day is here! Spring Final Exams have officially arrived!

Your timeline project is due the day you take the final:

  • Period 3,7  – Wednesday, May 24
  • Period 5  – Thursday, May 25

It has been a fantastic year. I’m going to miss you, but I’m also excited to see you jump into life and do amazing things!

Have a great Summer!:-)

Spring Final Project (cont’d)

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ What’s in the box??

EQ: What did we study this semester?

Essential Skills: Identify significant events and people and analyze their impact of past events on today’s world.

I can: define and describe vocabulary terms across multiple time periods.

Agenda Project Set Up

We’ve studied a wide range of topics this school year! As we close out this semester, we are going to create a project that not only reviews some of the people and events we covered, but also invites you to consider how past events have shaped our world.

This project will largely be completed during class time and if you follow the daily checklist, you’ll get done with your project with time to spare!

Spring Final Exam Project

Today’s Checklist:

Go to Google Classroom and open up the slide presentation for World History Final Project. This is where you will find all the directions for the project!

Review your notes/assignments and/or the class website.

Finish all sections of your Timeline.

This project is all about describing the concept of history and taking into account all the topics we studied this semester.

You’ll be doing a little writing and some drawing, too! Make your timeline awesome!


Play this Blooket game to get ready for the final exam!

Blooket Nationalism to Cold War Review

What To Do Tonight:

Finish today’s sections!

Spring Final: Timeline Project (cont’d)

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ Awwwwww!

EQ: What did we study this semester?

Essential Skills: Identify significant events and people and analyze their impact of past events on today’s world.

I can: define and describe vocabulary terms across multiple time periods.

Agenda Project Set Up

We’ve studied a wide range of topics this school year! As we close out this semester, we are going to create a project that not only reviews some of the people and events we covered, but also invites you to consider how past events have shaped our world.

This project will largely be completed during class time and if you follow the daily checklist, you’ll get done with your project with time to spare!

Spring Final Exam Project

Today’s Checklist:

Go to Google Classroom and open up the slide presentation for World History Final Project. This is where you will find all the directions for the project!

Review your notes/assignments and/or the class website.

Complete the WWII section of your Timeline.

This project is all about describing the concept of history and taking into account all the topics we studied this semester.

You’ll be doing a little writing and some drawing, too! Make your timeline awesome!

What To Do Tonight:

Finish today’s sections!

Spring Final: Timeline Project (cont’d)

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ Almost there … keep going!

EQ: What did we study this semester?

Essential Skills: Identify significant events and people and analyze their impact of past events on today’s world.

I can: define and describe vocabulary terms across multiple time periods.

Agenda Project Set Up

We’ve studied a wide range of topics this school year! As we close out this semester, we are going to create a project that not only reviews some of the people and events we covered, but also invites you to consider how past events have shaped our world.

This project will largely be completed during class time and if you follow the daily checklist, you’ll get done with your project with time to spare!

Spring Final Exam Project

Today’s Checklist:

Go to Google Classroom and open up the slide presentation for World History Final Project. This is where you will find all the directions for the project!

Review your notes/assignments and/or the class website.

Complete the WWI and Post WWII sections of your Timeline.

You’ll be doing a little writing and some drawing, too! Make your timeline awesome!

What To Do Tonight:

Finish today’s sections!

Spring Final: Timeline Project

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ Relax! You got this!

EQ: What did we study this semester?

Essential Skills: Identify significant events and people and analyze their impact of past events on today’s world.

I can: define and describe vocabulary terms across multiple time periods.

Agenda Project Set Up

We’ve studied a wide range of topics this school year! As we close out this semester, we are going to create a project that not only reviews some of the people and events we covered, but also invites you to consider how past events have shaped our world.

This project will largely be completed during class time and if you follow the daily checklist, you’ll get done with your project with time to spare!

Spring Final Exam Project

Today’s Checklist:

Go to Google Classroom and open up the slide presentation for World History Final Project. This is where you will find all the directions for the project!

Review your notes/assignments and/or the class website.

Complete the Nationalism and Imperialism sections of your Timeline.

This project is all about describing the concept of history and taking into account all the topics we studied this semester.

You’ll be doing a little writing and some drawing, too! Make your timeline awesome!

What To Do Tonight:

Finish today’s sections!

Lennon Wall

What We Did Today


Hee! Hee!

EQ: If you were standing in front of the real Lennon Wall how would you sign it? What is your legacy?

Essential Skills: Reflect on how past historical events continue to influence and shape modern society.

I can: Express my ideas and send a positive message.

Agenda: The Lennon Wall

The Lennon started out as a place of protest against the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia. Without freedom of speech, people used the wall to voice their opposition to the government but also to express their desire for basic freedoms and rights. Today, it stands as a tribute to John Lennon (of Beatles fame) and for global hope of a better future.

I visited and signed the wall in 2008…


The Lennon Wall is constantly changing as new layers of paint and art are added each year by thousands of people from around the world.  Today’s wall looks totally different from when I saw it!

The Wall as of May 2015:

Click on image to magnify.

Grab a piece of drawing paper and create a piece of artwork for our Lennon Wall. See below for ideas and guidelines:

Just like the real wall, our wall will change. Last year’s pieces will come down as this year’s pieces go up. Keep an eye on the wall as it changes to represent you and your class. 🙂

What To Do Tonight:

Work on your Lennon Wall piece. I will accept them through May 26th.

The World Today

What We Did Today

EQ: What is history?

Ojective: Examine the modern world and consider how the world might look in the future.

I can write a two paragraph letter expressing my thoughts.

Agenda: Notes and Letter to the Future

Today we are going to take a quick look at some ideas that are currently shaping how the modern world works. Then, we will start to consider how the future might look.

Cornell Notes:

Now let’s start to think about how the world we live in today will at some point be “history.” What does the future have in store for us and those that come after us?

Assignment: Letter to the Future

On a piece of paper, complete the assignment below.

What to Do Tonight:

Catch up on missing notes and assignments! The deadline is near … the last day to turn in any work is Wednesday!

Decolonization in Africa

What We Did Today



EQ: How did African countries gain independence?

Essentials Skills: Assess and critically analyze a map for historical context.

I can: use a map to get information about a hisorical event.

Agenda: Assignment Set-Up

Last time we looked at the continent of Africa, it was getting carved up into colonies by European Imperial powers. By the mid-1950s the European hold on the continent begins to crack. Today, we are going to track the slow but steady independence of the African continent.

Let’s make a map! Log in to Google Classroom to complete the assignment below using the provided reading scan and online sources. If in class, you will recieve a map handout. If you are absent, you may print out or trace a map using the attached map in Google Classroom.

Reading Resources:

What To Do Tonight:

Catch up on missing notes and assignments. The deadline to turn in Cold War assignments is May 20th!

Cold War: Defrosting Tensions

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ Hugs and snuggles!

Objective: Determine what lead to the end of the Cold War.

EQ: What is a cold war?

Google Meet: Notes & Catch up!

Today we are going to take a quick look at how the Cold War came to an end. What made the “ice” melt and how did it shape how our world looks today?

Cornell Notes: We started with this slide presentation yesterday and now we are going to finish it … Follow along with me to pick up the last 2 slides!

Assignment: Map the Collapse!

On a piece of paper, create the map below. In class, you will get a template to use to make your map!


How many new independent states formed as a result of the breakup of the Soviet Union?

Why would trade become more difficult for Russia after the breakup?

How does the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 continue to influence events in today’s world?

Resource Map:

What To Do Tonight:

Catch up on missing notes and assignments!

Cold War: Detente & Revolutions of ’89

What We Did Today

EQ: How did the Cold War end?

Objective: Determine what caused the Eastern bloc to break away from the Soviet Union.

I can determine cause and effect.

Agenda: Notes and Assignment Set Up

So what made the ice melt? As we move throught the 1980s and 1990s things begin to change dramatically as both sides face economic issues stemming from the Arms Race and political turmoil.

Cornell Notes: Open your notebook to the next clean page and take notes from the powerpoint below. We will not be going through the entire powerpoint – Only slides 1-4.

More Notes: Revoutions of 1989

Make this graphic organizer in your notes. Ignore the page numbers on the scan – instead use Patterns of Interaction pgs. 1052-1056.

What To Do Tonight:

Catch up on missing notes and assignments!