Cold War: Space Race

What We Did Today

^^^ Play nice!

EQ: How did the space race accelerate the development of technology?

Objective: Track the rapid development of technology as a result of the spac race.

I can summarize information from a secondary sourcereading.

Assignment: Space Race Rocket

Today you have a sub, again! Finish up yesterday’s assignment and then get moving on the assignment below. Be good!

Complete the assignment below using the reading provided.

Be creative with your rocket! Choose a theme and design a rocket around that theme. Have fun! 🙂

Space Race Rocket Act
Space Race Rdg

Planning Ahead: Spring Final Review

Final exams are just around the corner. Here’s the review list that tells you everything you need to know. As always, define and/or describe each item on the list in a format of your choice.

What To Do Tonight: 

Finish your Space Race Rocket! 🙂

Catch up on any missing notes or assignments! 🙂

Cold War: Arms Race

What We Did Today

EQ: How do countries fight without actually fighting?

Objective: Examine the causes and effects of poltical tensions between the Soviet Union and the U.S.

I can define and summarize vocabulary terms.

Agenda: Notes and Assignment

You have an sub today, so be on your extra best behavior (the extra credit, if the sub writes a nice note about your class). Follow directions below so you know what to get done before you leave class.

Cornell Notes: Take notes on the next clean page in your notebook. Be sure to compete left column and summary sections.

Assignment: Cold War Mural

On a separate piece of paper, complete the assignment below using your notes (not the text mentioned – we don’t have it anymore!).

No – You may not steal my pictures! But you can be inspired by them!

Arms Race Mural Act

Add this assignment to Cold War Table of Contents.

What To Do Tonight: 

Finish the Arms Race Mural. 🙂

Catch up on any missing notes or assignments! 🙂

Cold War: Capitalism vs. Communism

What We Did Today


Can’t we just be friends?

EQ: What is the difference between capitalism and communism?

Essential Skills: Compare and constrast two opposing political and economic ideologies.

I can: Determine what Capitalism and Communism have in common and how they are different.

Agenda: Assignment Set Up

Today we are going to try and get to the core of the conflict between the U.S. and Soviet Union, aside from nationalism! Both sides have very different types of government and economic systems. They are so different, it’s hard for them to see eye to eye on anything!

If you were in class today, we did a lesson with Mr. Eversol. If you were absent, please complete the alternative assigment below.

Assignment: Clash of the Titans

On a piece of paper, complete the assigment below using the resource link below.

Resource Link: Difference Between Capitalism and Communism


What To Do Tonight:

Finish up Clash of the Titans! 🙂


Cold War Origins

What We Did Today


Is it getting cold in here?

EQ: What is a “cold war”?

Essential Skills: Determine the causes of conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union following WWII.

I can: Define terms associated with the Cold War.

Agenda: Notes and Assigment Set Up

The last unit of the year has arrived! The Cold War is a period of global tensions following WWII. Today we are going to find out why the U.S. and Soviet Union find themsleves in direct conflict despite being allies during the war.

Open your Notebook or a google doc to take Cornell Notes from the powerpoint below:

  • Title your notes
  • Underline or highlight important terms
  • Complete left column and summary sections

Assignment: Cold War Boxing Gloves (or Mittens 🙂 )

Complete the assignment below on a piece of paper using your notes as a resource. Snap a photo of your work and attach it to the assigment in Google Classroom. Make sure your photo is clear so I can read you what you write!

Cold War Boxing Gloves Act

Video: The Cold War in 9 Minutes

If you are having trouble finding bullet points for your Boxing Gloves, watch the video below for more information. Record 5 additional facts on the back of your Boxing Gloves.

What to Do Tonight:

Finish up Cold War Boxing Gloves. 🙂


What We Did Today:

Hello! 👋


Log in to Google Classroom to access the Google Form titled, WWII Test. Please note the test will not show up until your class period meets.

If you were absent for the test, you will automatically be signed up on Thursday’s Flex to take your test. Do NOT take the test at home or another class – your score will be disqualified.

Turn in your review list!

What To Do Tonight:

Check your grade on Infinite Campus. If your grade is in a scary place, reach out and talk to me. We might be able to work out a pathway to pass!

WWII Review & Catch Up

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

He can have whatever he wants …

Objective: Review and recap WWII.

EQ: What causes global conflict?

Agenda: Review and Make-Up-Rama!

Today is all about getting caught up and preparing for the test on WWII. It’s a big one, so its important to STUDY!

All assignments from WWII are due TODAY. If you have missing assigments, today is the day to get them turned in!

Assignment: Review List

Complete the review below in a method of your choice – you can write out the list, create a foldable, make a bubble map, or flashcards.

What To Do Tonight



Impact of WWII (cont’d)

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^What a mess!

Objective: Calculate the casualties of WWII and consider the consequnces of global conflict.

EQ: What impact did WWII have on human life?

I can calculate the casualities of WWII.


WWII was devastating in so many ways. The casulaties we calculated yesterday are only the beginning. The world as we know was largely shaped by the events of WWII, so let’s start to figure out how and why.

Cornell Notes: We didn’t get to this yesterday, so let’s grab these quickie notes on the next clean page in your notebook.

Think About: Choose one effect you feel has had the biggest impact on shaping the world we live in today. Explain the reason for your choice.

Assignment: Reading Squares

On a piece of paper, complete the assigment below using the text Patterns of Interaction pgs. 948-951.

What To Do Tonight:

Catch up on missing notes and assignments.

Impact of WWII

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ Smile!

Objective: Calculate the casualties of WWII and consider the consequnces of global conflict.

EQ: What impact did WWII have on human life?

I can calculate the casualities of WWII.


Today we are going assess the overall impact of WWII with emphasis on the human casulaties of the war. It’s devastating and the numbers will help tell the story of the aftermath of WWII.

Cornell Notes: Take these quickie notes on the next clean page in your notebook.

Assignment: WWII Casualties

Get out your calculator! Complete all sections of the worksheet below directly on the handout. See me for a hard copy or print one from below. The example for the bar graph will show up on the hard copy given in class!

What To Do Tonight:

Catch up on missing notes and assignments.

WWII: Debating the Atomic Bomb

What We Did Today

^^^ Those cheeks!!

EQ: Was the United States justified in using atomic bombs during WWII? Why or why not?

Objective: Compare and contrast opposing views on the dropping of the atomic bomb.

I can write a persuasive FRQ.

Agenda: Notes and Assignment Set Up

On a separate piece of paper, write down the pro and con arguments in the powerpoint below. You do not have to use Cornell Notes.

Assignment: Debating the Atomic Bomb

Under the pro/con arguments, complete the assignment below using the provided resources.

A Bomb Pro Con Act

Resource Reading:

Was the U.S. Justified in Dropping Atomic Bombs on Japan’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki During WWII?

Modern Debate Surrounding The Use Of The Atomic Bomb

What To Do Tonight:

Finish Debating the Atomic Bomb.

WWII: Dropping the Atomic Bomb

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ C’mon, lets get moving!

Objective: Determine the reasons why the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb.

I can evaluate the rationale for the dropping of the atomic bomb.

EQ: What causes global conflict?

Agenda: Notes and Video

As we learned previously, the Allied powers launched the island hopping campaign to dismantle stratregic areas of the Japanese Empire. The plan was to inch closer and closer to Japan in order to launch a full scale land invasion of Japan – that was Plan A. However, a super secret project in the U.S. caused a dramatic shift to Plan B: the atomic bomb.

Cornell Notes: Open your notebook to a new page and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below. These notes are critical for an assignment we’ll be working on tomorrow!

Atomic Bomb Info: In addition, read this article and added 5 new pieces of information in the left column of your notes. The article has a lot of archival photos and videos of the bomb and the areas where the bomb was dropped.

Link: The Human Impact

Video: How does an atomic bomb work?

What To Do Tonight:

Catch up on missing notes and assignments.