WWI Test

What We Did Today


^^^Yup. We did.

Agenda: Test Time

Log in to Google Classroom. You’ll find a Google Form called World War Test. Open it up to take the test and be sure to hit the submit button when you’re done. You will not see the test until the start of your class period.

If you were absent for the test, please sign up for Flex to make up the test. DO NOT take the test at home or during another class period (your score will be disqualified).

Reminder: Turn in the review list!

What To Do Tonight

Take a deep breath!

WWI: Review!

What We Did Today


^^^ Time to scribble!

Objective: Review for Wednesday’s test!

I can define and describe vocabulary terms.

Agenda: Test Prep

Assignment: Review List

Define and/or describe each item on the list. Today, we’re going to make a set of flashcards!

Crash Course: WWI

What To Do Tonight


Finish the Review List!

WWI Recap

What We Did Today

^^^ Smile!

Today is all about catching up, working ahead, and maybe earning a little extra credit.

Make-Up-O-Rama: If you owe me work, get it done and show me! All handouts for this unit are readily available as a hard copy in the classroom and also as a digital scan on the website. Use them and get stuff done!

Note Check:

I will be circulating around the classroom to check your notes. These are the titles I’m looking for:

  • WWI: Getting Started
  • WWI: Causes
  • WWI: U.S. Entry
  • WWI: Peace At Last

Review: The test is sneaking up on us! Get a jump on that ninja and start working on your review list. The more you do now, the less you have to do later.

Extra Credit: If your grade needs a boost or you’re looking for a nice way to review outside the review list (you still have to do the list!), give the word search below a shot. If you can complete it, I’m offering a nice chunk of extra credit.

You can earn up to 20 points of extra credit by completing the wordsearch and blanks.

WWI Wordsearch1
WWI Wordsearch2

* * *

What To Do Tonight: 

Catch up on missing notes and assignments. 

Work ahead on the Review List!

Work on the word search!

WWI: Peace At Last

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ 🥰

Objective: Hypothesize a possible treaty to end WWI and compare to the Treaty of Versailles.

I can read a primary source document.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Agenda: Assignment Set Up

Today we are going to brainstorm some ways to put an end to WWI and prevent another world war from breaking out. We are going to get some help from a primary source document, which will give us a place to start.

Assignment: WWI Peace Treaty

Can you craft the perfect peace plan? Let’s find out. Be sure to read all directions! The resource link to complete this assignment is also embedded in the document. You will be working in groups to complete this assignment.

Resource Link: Fourteen Points

Cornell Notes:

Now, let’s find out what really happened! Take Cornell notes in your notebook from the powerpoint below:

What To Do Tonight

Finish up today’s notes and assignment.

WWI: U.S. Entry

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋


Objective: Determine the reasons why the U.S. entered WWI.

I can listen to an oral presentation and summarize information.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Agenda: Cornell Notes

Today we are going to figure out how the U.S. finally got pulled into a war it was desperately trying to avoid.

Cornell Notes: Open your Interactive Notebook to a new page and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below. Be sure to complete left column and summary sections.

More on U.S. Entry:

Add 5 more “meaty” facts to your notes.

What To Do Tonight

Catch up on missing notes and assignments. 🙂

WWI: Battle Tactics – The Trenches!

What We Did Today:

^^^ Help!

EQ: What was it like to fight on a WWI battlefield?

Objective: Summarize and analyze the battle tactics used during WWI.

I can understand information from a secondary reading source and diagram.

Assignment: WWI Trench Warfare Diagram

On a piece of paper, complete the assignment below using the diagram layout and reading packet as resources.


Example layout: This is just a start. Be creative and fun with it!

Trench Warfare Diagram

Reading Packet:

Trench Diagram Rdg1
Trench Diagram Rdg2
Trench Diagram Rdg3
Trench Diagram Rdg5
Trench Diagram Rdg4
Trench Diagram Rdg6

* * *

What To Do Tonight:

Catch up on missing notes and assignments.

WWI: Battle Tactics

What We Did Today


First, a few reminders:

  • Make sure your map is colored according to alliance systems. Alliance systems should be recorded on the back of your map in a T-Chart.
  • Battle IDs should be completed on the back of your map. Battle locations should be plotted on your map. Go to WWI Battles for further resources.
  • Make sure you answered yesterday’s questions

WWI: Battle Tactics

Grab your notebook and take Cornell Notes from the powerpoint below!

What To Do Tonight:

Catch up on missing notes and assignments. Use the reminder list at the top of this post as a checklist. 🙂

WWI: Battles

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ I love a good pun!

Objective: Summarize what happened during some of the major battles of WWI.

I can: Summarize historical information and transfer information to a map.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

Agenda: Assignment Set Up

We know why the war started and we have the battlefield, so it’s time for the battle to begin. Today we are going to dig up some details on some of the main battles of WWI.

Assignment: WWI Battles Scavenger Hunt

Log in to Google Classroom to complete the assignment below using the online textbook, the provided resource powerpoint or online sources. Just remember to stay in context. All information should fall within the years of 1914-1918.

We are going to make the chart below on the BACK OF YOUR MAP handout.

You have today to finish this assignment. ⏰

Resource Powerpoint:

Battle Geography:

Now let’s add a coule labels to the map: Western Front and Eastern Front

What To Do Tonight

Finish up Battles! 🙂

WWI: Causes

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^Yep. Been there!

Objective: Determine the main causes of WWI.

EQ: What leads to global conflict?

I can describe and summarize the main causes of WWI.

Agenda: Notes

Today we are going explore the main reasons why a global scale conflict begins. Instead of one big reason, there are a lot of little things that contribute to setting off a simmering powder keg.

Cornell Notes: Open your notebook or a google doc and set it up for Cornell Notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below. Be sure to complete all sections.


Next, we are going to make a little foldable to help with memorizing the causes of WWI! Use your notes as a resource to complte this assigment.

What To Do Tonight:

Finish up the left column and summary sections of your notes. 👍

WWI: Geography & Alliances

What We Did Today

^^^ Heading into battle!

EQ: What causes global conflict?

Objective: Determine the geographic alignment of nations just prior to the outbreak of WWI.

I can read a map for historical context and information.

Agenda: WWI Map

Complete the following tasks on the handout below (see me for a hard copy or print one).

  • Next to each country listed at the top, write the number from the map that matches where the country is located. Use online sources if you’re a little rusty on your European geography.
  • Color the map according to the key, (i.e. Allied, Central, and neutral nations), using the text Patterns of Interaction, pg. 839 or the scan below.
  • On the back of your map, make a T-Chart with Allied on one side and Central on the other. Using your map, make a list of countries that are part of each alliance.
  • Answer: What do you notice about the location of the Central Powers in relation to the Allied Powers? Who seems to have the advantage? Why?

Here’s a resource map to help you with the coloring of alliance systems:

WWI Map Alliances Key

* * *

What To Do Tonight:

Finish you map! 🙂