Geography 101: Main Ideas of Geography

What We Did Today

Hello! 🙂

^^^ I want to be this dog.

Objective: Define and describe the six main elements of geography.

EQ: What is geography and why does it matter?

Google Meet: 6 Main Ideas of Geography

First, we got answers on the origin of all of those coins!

During our Google meet we discussed the 6 main ideas of the geography by reviewing/taking notes from the powerpoint below.


Assignment: Six Main Ideas of Geography One-Pager

Log in to Google Classroom to complete the assignment below.  You will see it in your stream. Full directions and assignment options are in the document, so make sure you read it all the way to the bottom! You must complete the assignment via Google Classroom – make sure you hit the submit button when your are done!


What To Do Tonight

Finish up your one-pager! 🙂


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