Geography 101: Map Skills, Part 1

What We Did Today

Hello! 🙂

^^^ Ready to “slide” into some geography?

Objective: Identify the different parts of a map and use them to read information on a map.

EQ: What are the different parts of a map?

Google Meet:

We went over some map vocabulary on this powerpoint below:


This vocabulary will help you understand the questions in today’s assignment! 🙂

Assignment: Map Skills

Log in to Google Classroom. You’ll find a document where you can record your responses to the questions on the scanned worksheets below. You’ll see the title of each worksheet and numbers that correspond to each question. All you have to do is type in your answers.

Do not hit the submit button as we will be adding on to this assignment tomorrow!

What To Do Tonight

Finish up today’s portion of the Map Skills assignment. Don’t click submit! 🙂