World Religions: Gather Evidence, Part 1

What We Did Today 

Hello! 🙂

^^^Don’t get too excited! LOL!

ObjectiveResearch and record factual information about six world religions.

EQ:   How does religion influence the development of culture and government systems? 

Google Meet: Intro Discussion

During this unit, we will be using historical thinking skills to gain an understanding of differing belief systems and begin to speculate how religion influences historical events. After all, if there’s understanding of what a group of people believes in, their decisions and actions make a little more sense!  

Assignment: World Religions: Gather Evidence

Log in to Google Classroom to complete the assignment below. You’ll see the document attached to the assignment. Type directly into the document. Don’t hit the submit button as we will be continuing this assignment tomorrow!

Today we are working on Chart #1.

Resources: You may use credible online sources to search for information. There is also a digital copy of the textbook available:

  • Click on the gear button and look for Patterns of Interaction.
  • A slideshow will pop up of the entire textbook.
  • A special World Religion section begins on page 284. You’ll have to scroll until you hit the page number – you’ll see it in the bottom corner of each page (not the slide #). It’s a pain at first, but you’ll get the hang of it in no time!

What To Do Tonight

Finish up today’s assignment. 👍

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