Mapping the Cold War

What We Did Today


It’s a little nippy outside!

EQ/Bell Work: What events intensified the Cold War?

Essential Skills: Locate and identify key locations on a map and apply historical context.

I can: Create a map that tells the story of the beginning of the Cold War.

Assignment: Mapping the Cold War

Today we are going create a map to help us visualize what the beginning of the Cold War looked like and how it played out geographically. See me for a handout or print one out!

Follow the directions on the scans below. Be sure to read each section completely and go in order. If you don’t read and skip over things, your map is going to look weird!

Please use color for Direction #7 b and d

When you get done, you will be turning in a hard copy of your map!

Cold War Map Pkt1
Cold War Map Pkt2
Cold War Map Pkt3

Quick Little Notes: On the back of your map, jot down the notes from the powerpoint below.

Maps will be turned in separately from your Interactive Notebook. Save a spot to attach them later. 🙂

What To Do Tonight:

A Quick Recap ….. and ARMS!

Need some extra credit? Watch the video below and record 10 facts  that focus on why tensions got higher between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Put them on the back of your map.