Spring Final: Timeline Project (Day 2)

What We Did Today

Hello! 👋

^^^ Almost there … keep going!

EQ: What did we study this semester?

Essential Skills: Identify significant events and people and analyze their impact of past events on today’s world.

I can: define and describe vocabulary terms across multiple time periods.

Agenda Project Set Up

We’ve studied a wide range of topics this school year! As we close out this semester, we are going to create a project that not only reviews some of the people and events we covered, but also invites you to consider how past events have shaped our world.

This project will largely be completed during class time and if you follow the daily checklist, you’ll get done with your project with time to spare!

Spring Final Exam Project

Today’s Checklist:

Go to Google Classroom and open up the slide presentation for World History Final Project. This is where you will find all the directions for the project!

Review your notes/assignments and/or the class website.

Complete the WWI and Post WWI sections of your Timeline.

You’ll be doing a little writing and some drawing, too! Make your timeline awesome!

What To Do Tonight:

Finish today’s sections!

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