Cold War: Captialism vs. Communism

What We Did Today


Can’t we just be friends?

EQ: What is the difference between capitalism and communism?

Essential Skills: Compare and constrast two opposing political and economic ideologies.

I can: Determine what Capitalism and Communism have in common and how they are different.

Agenda: Assignment Set Up

Today we are going to try and get to the core of the conflict between the U.S. and Soviet Union, aside from nationalism! Both sides have very different types of government and economic systems. They are so different, it’s hard for them to see eye to eye on anything!

Assignment: Clash of the Titans

Log in to complete the assigment below (it’ll be on a Google Doc!) using the resource link below.

Resource Link: Difference Between Capitalism and Communism


What To Do Tonight:

Finish up Clash of the Titans! 🙂
