Decolonization in Africa

What We Did Today



EQ: How did African countries gain independence?

Essentials Skills: Assess and critically analyze a map for historical context.

I can: use a map to get information about a hisorical event.

Agenda: Assignment Set-Up

Last time we looked at the continent of Africa, it was getting carved up into colonies by European Imperial powers. By the mid-1950s the European hold on the continent begins to crack. Today, we are going to track the slow but steady independence of the African continent.

Let’s make a map! Log in to Google Classroom to complete the assignment below using the provided reading scan and online sources. If in class, you will recieve a map handout. If you are absent, you may print out or trace a map using the attached map in Google Classroom.

Reading Resources:

What To Do Tonight:

Catch up on missing notes and assignments. The deadline to turn in Cold War assignments is May 20th!