China After Mao

What We Did Today


Panda Snow Angel!

EQ: What does communism look like in China today?

Essential Skills: Create and explain the spread of Communism (e.g. Mao and the Chinese Cultural Revolution). (DOK 2)

I can: Compare and Contrast communism in China before and after Mao Zedong.

Agenda: Notes and Assignment Set-Up

The communist system remains in place in China today, but it has changed considerably since Mao Zedong died. Today we are going to take a look at modern China, while considering how elements of capitalism have been adopted into China’s version of communism.

Cornell Notes: Open your notebook to a new page or open up a google doc and set it up for notes. Take notes from the powerpoint below:

Assignment: China Then and Now

Complete the assignment below on Google Classroom on the doucment provided, using your notes as a reference:

China After Mao Act

What To Do Tonight: 

Finish Modern China. 🙂