Cold War: Arms Race

What We Did Today


Going polar!

EQ: How do countries fight without actually fighting?

Essential Skills: Describe and explain the political, economic and cultural impact of the Cold War and its affects on developing nations.

I can: Define vocabulary terms and explain what the mean in the context of the Cold War.

Agenda: Assignment Set-Up

Today we are going to take a look at how global tensions intensify when weapons are thrown into the mix. Countries begin stockpiling weapons and threatening one another without actually going to war. It gets pretty crazy!

Resource Powerpoint:

Assignment: Cold War Mural

On a separate piece of paper, complete the assignment below using the resource powerpoint (not the text mentioned – we don’t have it anymore!). Once you get done, take a clear photo of your beautiful work and attach it to the assignment on Google Classroom.

No – You may not steal my pictures! But you can be inspired by them!

Arms Race Mural Act

What To Do Tonight: 

Finish the Arms Race Mural. 🙂

Catch up on any missing notes or assignments! 🙂